Ria Formosa
Come with us to get to know or simply enjoy our natural heritage in Ria Formosa natural park. In this tour we visit a place called Ludo, located in one of the edges or this broad natural park which has around 30 miles long. During the tour we may observe several typical birds from the region (storks, egrets) as well as migrating birds (flamingos), the last depending on the season. We may also apreciate the local flora and the salt explorations. After leaving Ludo we head to Faro beach where we get to take a look and relax over the Atlantic Ocean, which in this part of Algarve most resembles the Mediterranian sea.
Duration: 1h30
Capacity per Tuk-Tuk: 6 passengers
Total price: 50€
Summer schedule: 9h00-19h00
Winter schedule: 9h00-16h00
Temporarilly unavailable due to restrictions in the entrance in a private part of the park.